Famous love stories ended with terrifying crimes sometimes crazy lovers, killing his sweetheart because of jealousy or any other reason, and in rare cases of love turns into violence leading to murder
Famous love stories ended with terrifying crimes sometimes crazy lovers, killing his sweetheart because of jealousy or any other reason, and in rare cases of love turns into violence leading to murder. Here are some of these stories: Anniversary and her husband Ayman Al Suwaidi until today, 18 years after the killing of Tunisian artist anniversary by her husband Egyptian businessman Ayman al-Suwaidi, who returned and committed immediately after her killing, the details of the issue remain. Have you been killed because of emotional problems between her and her husband who preferred to kill them and kill himself? No real answer, although the official novel says death was because of emotional problems. Susan Tamim and Hashram Talaat The story of Susan Tamim is known and clear: Lebanese artist was linked to the Egyptian businessman Hisham Talaat Mustafa. Then she finished her relationship, and after being threatened continuously moved to Abu Dhabi, Mustafa, one of the men and killed her in her apartment, because he was away. Dorothy Straten and Paul
Schneider actress and US casualties were killed by her husband in 1980, after her husband and her business director Paul Schneider turned into madness and killed her. Phil Hartman this time the story is upscale, where the wife of the American actor,
Bren Hartman, killed him in his bed after he threatened to leave the house if it continued to add to drugs. In her testimony
, Breen said she was under the influence of drugs and she faint to see her husband really because she loved him. The famous American Dando Dando killed in 1999 at the entrance to her home in Fulham. The killer
, who has armed with his novel, was arrested for his crime but said he was driven by passionate, a single love story between him and the announcer.
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